PhiladelphiaSpring 2001 | |
Dear ProFresh User, We received several letters recently that neatly summed up the dramatic difference that ProFresh can make to someone's life, here's one:
Dear ProFresh, Sincerely, a faithful fan. The ProFresh Toothpaste. Is a great success. Customers confirm that the oxychlorine based formula, specially designed to enhance the effects of ProFresh Rinse, really works. If you haven't yet tried ProFresh Toothpaste add a tube to your next order. The Toothpaste is on the order form and available via the web site but by including it in your regular order you'll avoid the separate shipping and handling charge. "The War on Stink." Recently The New York Times Sunday Magazine ran an article entitled 'The War on Stink". It included a fascinating interview with Dr. George Preti who conducts research into body odors at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Dr. Preti worked closely with Dr. John Richter during the development of the ProFresh Breath Care System, and in the article he explained the differences between what he called good breath odors and the bad breath odors caused by the build up of bacteria in the oral cavity. He recommended to the readers of the New York Times that they use ProFresh oral rinse to solve the problem of bad breath. News from Dr. Richter. The mailbag is always full of surprises. Recently a new ProFresh user wrote to ask if one can build up a tolerance to ProFresh and whether or not it is more effective to use a stronger solution. The answer to both questions is very simple - just follow the instructions. ProFresh has been formulated and clinically tested to work effectively. There's no tolerance factor and certainly no need to try and concentrate the rinse. Quality is #1. As a well know car company has been telling us for years, quality is the most important factor. At ProFresh we are constantly trying to make things just that little bit better. Recently we introduced a new bottle and cap, the old one was fine, but tests on the new design indicated better sealing, and that means fresher product, right down to the last drop! Some useful tips. Every week we have to remind ourselves of things that should be second nature by now. In the spirit of sharing a reminder or two, here are some tips on keeping up with oral hygiene. Change your toothbrush frequently, not just when the dentist gives you a free sample! Floss with unflavored dental floss it's much better for you. Replace the tip on your gum stimulator once a month, with regular use the tip will wear out quickly and end up irritating rather than stimulating the gums.